Completely Different Football Manager Story - FM18 Story
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FM Stories
Football Manager 2018

Erm…So This Is A Completely Different Football Manager Story!

By whattheforkgaming | March 14, 2018 | 2156 Views

Exclusively on our FMBrotherhood – something new, something completely different is here! Football Manager story we promise you never saw something even similar to this. What is Alba-Audace? Who is the lady in charge of Alba-Audace and how everything started? You will find all the answers in this completely different football manager story. Thanks to WhataFork channel on the Youtube you can enjoy something really awesome. Cheers FMBros!


Completely Different Football Manager Story

So…I had an idea and if you want something completely different to the normal FM videos then come to my channel.

I wanted to get into creating gaming videos because my mind is full of ridiculous ideas and I started off with a series on Wigan in the English League One and it was great fun but didn’t hit the brief I had started out with, so I decided to go back to the drawing board.

I came up with an idea of a create a club series with a difference and this focuses on a club called SS Alba-Audace Roma which if you didn’t know is one of Roma’s founding clubs.

Now so far this might sound pretty standard but my creativity rockets were firing and I decided to animate the series alongside the FM play. I’m still early in creation (and I’ve had to learn how to animate from the off as I have no experience prior to the series) but I’m working on a three episodes a week schedule with some player and club back stories thrown in weekly as well, each episode has two games and its a 100 episode series running for five seasons.

Any way to get a taster, check out the intro to the series:

Hope you enjoy.

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2 thoughts on “Erm…So This Is A Completely Different Football Manager Story!

  1. Hey,thanks very much! Glad you enjoyed it. I out a lot of effort sourcing the right music so it’s good to hear someone appreciate it 😀

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