First Tested Football Manager 2019 442 Tactic by Nik FM - FM19 Beta
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Football Manager 2019

First Tested Football Manager 2019 442 Tactic by Nik FM – FM19 Beta

By spaskecar | October 23, 2018 | 4375 Views

Maybe it is too early for some unstoppable FM19 tactics but we decided to give you first Football Manager 2019 442 tactic. This FM19 tactic is for all those guys who are playing FM19 in Beta version. Thanks to our FM brother Nik his first great tactic is here.

You can check out how our (Nik`s) first tactic looks in the picture below:

football manager 2019 442 tactic


Our first Football Manager 2019 442 Tactic


As you see this FM19 tactic is in formation 4-4-1-1 or 4-4-2 as some of you like to say. You can expect some nice attacking football with a short passing. Tactics we like to make and to use are this kind of tactics. We like to see a lot of passes, fluid football that is nice to watch so that is why we make this kind of tactics.

Very important players in this Football Manager 2019 442 tactic are Inverted Wingers. We recommend you to have Inverted Wingers with a nice crossing and passing. On that way, you will have Wingers that will involve your 2 main attacking players in the right way with some great passes. They are also going to cut inside leaving space for attacking full backs.

So you will need some full backs with good attacking attributes. It would be nice to have full backs with good pace and acceleration attributes so they come into the space as bullets.

AF and SS will be involved in creating actions too in this FM19 tactic. AF and SS are always going to be present in the opponent’s box. That is what we like to see, so their defense will be painfully punished when they fall asleep. Jose Mourinho would be proud of us 😀

DLP won`t run up and he is going to be your main link between defense and attack and he really need to be a very creative player. If you don’t have some good BPD-s then change their roles into CD.

If you have fast defenders you shouldn`t worry about that part, so that is what we recommend to you.

We hope you are happy with our football manager 2019 442 tactics. This is only the first of FM19 tactics we will publish. We will bring you some more soon! You can also expect some team guides in the future and tactics for every top club in FM19.

If you like possession tactics, here you will find one that is really great.

Download our Football Manager 2019 442 tactic here!


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