Football Manager 2018 Tactics made by Nik FM
By spaskecar | May 30, 2018 | 5582 Views
Tested Football Manager 2018 tactics (tested FM18 tactics) – something the whole FM Lovers World is searching for these days. People just can`t get enough of it. It is like an addiction, you download the first one and then it goes down the hill.
In one moment you are happy with your new, recently downloaded tactic and after few matches, you want the better one, then after few more matches you want even better and that is how it goes…
You can check-out this unbeatable FM18 tactic we recommend!
Also, our friend posted a really nice blog about his FM18 tactics you can check.
Tested FM18 Tactics by Nik FM
This time, you are lucky you got your own FM Tactic dealer – Nik FM. He is a nice guy, little addicted to Football Manager, but we still love him because of his tactics.
He made a bunch of Tested FM18 tactics, there are also some FM17 tactics, but this time we will speak only about the Football Manager 2018. So let`s start with them.
The order of these tactics is not important, the first one isn`t better than the last one and vice versa. Also, these aren`t all the tactics our Nik has made, so you can expect some more in the blogs after this one (the best tactics are on their way soon in the next blog).
1st – Tested FM18 Tactics by Nik FM – Diamond Formation Football Manager 2018 Tactic
This is a very offensive tactic, for FM Lovers who like to use Diamond tactics this is something that will bring them great results. It was tested with a lot of teams, we achieved very good results with this tactic so far.
You can see in the video below that has the detailed explanation of this FM tactic that Nik FM has trashed a lot of great teams with it. He had results like 7-0 (Ludogorets) and 5-1 (Bayern Munich) respectively.
This diamond formation tactic is as already said, offensive tactic, fast-flowing, and you will make a lot of direct passes and goals.
The most important players for this tactic are – wing backs, playmaker (AMC) and halfback, so focus on those positions when you use it.
For more the information, you can check out this video and take a look at how Nik did it with MCFC.
2nd – Tested FM18 Tactics by Nik FM – 5-3-2 (3-3-2-2) as the best after patch
There were some tactics that worked really well before the first patch in Football Manager 2018, but after that, they were really sh**y. That is why Nik took 10 energy drinks, worked for about 30 minutes and made this tactic 😀
No, really, he worked for days on this one. But it paid off.
Now we have got the tactic that will blow your mind, make the opponents cry and bring you all the titles! It is here with us lads – 5-3-2 tactic by Nik FM!
Ok, I am calm again.
This tactic is tactic that will bring you the results. You probably won`t play the most beautiful football with it, but when the season comes to the end you will have the results.
Your defense will go high, your opponents will fight against your great offside traps, you will have a lot of nice counterattacks with this tactic and of course, with them, you will score enough amount of goals. Not as many as with the diamond tactic, but enough to win almost all the matches.
The most important players in this tactic are – deep-lying forward, Regista and again the wing backs as the most important from the most important.
Download the Best After Patch FM18 Tactic by Nik FM Here!
3rd – Tested FM18 Tactics by Nik FM – Tika-Taka (Beautiful football tactic)
This is something we all wanna see, this is something almost all the FM Lovers want, to play beautiful football and to have results with this kind of a tactic.
Maybe you won`t have the best results as with the tactic we mentioned before, but with this tactic, for sure, you will play the most beautiful football in the league.
This tactic is all about tika-taka, tika-taka, with a lot of possession, chances, shots inside the box.
For this tactic, you will need fast players, with good creativity, good playmaker, and that is all you need to enjoy the game! Ok, almost all you need. But you will love it.
Check out the Tika-Taka Beautiful Football Tactic here:
Download Beautifull Football Tactic by NikFM Here!
4th – Tested FM18 Tactics by NikFM – Best Counter Tactic – Goal Machine
This time we have got something new, something a bit different from any of the recent tactics we suggested you. This one is for defensive football, this one will bring you results and you will play counter attacks like Real Madrid in Mourinho’s era.
It is 3-4-3 tactic, with 3 CB’s, 2 wingbacks, 2 CM`s and 3 strikers. As you already know, those tactics with 3 strikers are almost unbeatable in this Football Manager 2018. It is somehow easier to win matches with 3 strikers than with the other formations.
The key players in this counter-tactic are wingbacks, they have to play in both ways so they gotta be quality players. Those two CM`s will be your playmakers, the will send risky passes all over the pitch and on that way your counter attacks will be hard to predict and to stop. Also, they won`t run too much up and make a hole in the defense.
This tactic is recommended for smaller teams, that are underdogs in their matches, or when you play on a result. With an awesome advanced forward, that has a lot of pace in his legs, you can achieve anything with this tactic.
Maybe you can combine it with some more attacking tactics and it will bring you great results.
Download Counter Attacking FM18 Tactic here!
5th – Tested FM18 Tactics By NikFM – Attacking Almost Invincible Tactic!
If you like very attacking football, you don`t want to play on a result, this one is for you. We also have to say that with this one you will achieve great results, but with a lot of goals, chances and shots on the opponent goal.
The problem with this tactic that it is maybe too aggressive and your players will maybe sometimes get red cards and that can make you a problem.
If we ignore that little red thing if your players aren`t that crazy to make a ton of red cards you will win a lot of matches and be the first on the table.
This is 3 strikers tactic, with advanced forward as the tactic we just talked about, but this time the eyes are on Trequartista as one of the most important parts here. He will be something like the advanced playmaker.
CM`s are much more offensive than usual, as almost every player in this tactic. That`s why with this tactic you will have about 6-7 guys in the opponent box. Yes, it is crazy, but you want attacking tactic, right?!
A lot of things are in this video, so if you don`t want to read, enjoy it.
6th – Tested FM18 Tactics by NikFM – Unstoppable 3-2-2-1-2 Tactic
This unstoppable FM18 tactic is maybe one of the best tactics that Nik made so far. We don`t have to speak about the results with it, as they will naturally come.
This one is interesting because you will have inverted wingbacks, 2 CF`s which is very interesting and Mezala, BWM and it is not as usual as the others.
Your CF`s won`t be usual attackers that only score goals, they will produce many chances, be involved in all the attacks and it will be beautiful football to watch.
The most important player is Advanced Playmaker, as he will be the brain in this formation, player that will control the matches.
There are a lot of FM18 Tactics here, but if you ask Nik which one is maybe his favorite that would be this one.
Find out more about this unstoppable FM18 Tactic here.
Download the Unstoppable FM18 Tactic here!
7th – Tested FM18 Tactics by NikFM – 5-4-1 Amazing Tactic
If you are tired of 3 strikers tactics you are at the right place. This time we present you 5-4-1 tactic, with one attacker- complete forward.
With this tested FM18 tactic you will play modern, fast football (but possession football), you will produce many chances over your wingers and you will score a lot of goals.
Your team will play short passing football, they will play out of defense, but with the passes behind the opponent defenders, so it won`t be boring football to watch.
We hope you will like this one, so tell us how are you doing with it, it is one of the newest tactics here, but it is as all the tactics fully tested FM18 tactic.
Download Control FM18 Tactic here!
We hope those tested FM18 tactics by NikFM were good enough for you, that they at least inspired you to make your own, maybe better.
Feel free to vote this post, to share it over the social media and of course, you can comment it here, or on our NikFM Youtube channel and we will be glad to answer you.
Soon there will be some more, the best tactics by NikFM are on the way, so stay tuned with the FMBrotherhood! Cheers FMBros!
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