10 Best Assistant Managers in FM24 - FMBrotherhood
Joao Sacramento in FM24

10 Best Assistant Managers in FM24

By callum | November 1, 2023 | 1420 Views

Best Assistant Managers in Football Manager 2024

Some Football Manager games underestimate the importance of their backroom staff. In FM24 this is no different, and having a quality assistant manager is imperative to overseeing aspects of your daily management tasks.

To enhance your backroom team, we’ve found the best assistant managers in FM24. We will also disclose the wages each assistant manager will accept (if they are without a club, or willing to leave their current club) and also how much compensation they will cost. To find out the best FM24 assistant managers, we’ve analysed their attributes and figured out what your assistant managers needs to have. The attributes of your assistant manager that should be brilliant at are:

  • Motivation
  • People Management
  • Level of Discipline
  • Judging Player Ability
  • Judging Player Potential
  • Determination

We go into more detail about this in our FM23 post.

However, something that’s different about assistant managers in FM24 is their set piece preferences are now displayed. This now means you need to also take this into consideration when choosing the best assistant manager for you.

10. Miguel Quaresma

Miguel Quaresma

In at number 10 on the list of the best assistant managers in Football Manager 2024 is Portuguese Miguel Quaresma. He’s spent the most recent part of his career as head of youth development at Sporting Lisbon. Another job that he can do brilliantly.

But Quaresma is an even better assistant manager. He’s done this at both Braga and Benfica, and would be a top assistant manager for your team in FM24 too. He excels in all of the attributes required to be a great assistant manager, including 17 motivating, and 17 judging player potential.

As Miguel Quaresma is a free agent, you don’t need to pay any compensation, but he will ask for a £15k per week salary.

9. Giacomo Murelli

Giacomo Murelli in FM24

Murelli  has been an assistant manager to current AC Milan Manager Stefano Pioli since 2004! Murelli has followed Pioli around 12 different teams, which also controversially includes Inter Milan. This shows that Giacomo Murelli has an exceptional amount of experience of being a managers number 2, which is exactly what you want.

His defending coaching attribute is also great, so he would be ideal carrying out defensive training.

The issue with Giacomo Murelli is that he’s not willing to leave AC Milan because of is strong relationship with Stefano Pioli. This means you’ll likely need to wait for them to get sacked before you can hire him.

8. Ole Gunnar Solskjaer

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer in FM24

Now this might seem like a bit of a weird suggestion. You can say what you want about Ole Gunnar Solskjaer’s managerial career, but he would make an amazing assistant manager in FM24.

Solskjaer has a modern citizen personality, which is perfect to pass onto your players, and has an insane 19 determination.

He’s wanted by MK Dons for the managerial position, but if he doesn’t get that, or another managerial job, you can add him to your backroom staff for just £6k per week.

7. Jon Aspiazu

Jon Aspiazu

Jon Aspiazu has an iron willed personality. This means he can perform really well under pressure, and his resilience can be spread to other players too.

He has assistant manager experience at a variety of Spanish clubs, including Valencia, Barcelona, and now Athletic Bilbao. He won’t leave Bilbao in the first season, but he’s only got 1 year left on his contract, so you might be able to sign him in season 2 if he becomes a free agent.

6. Edd Vahid

Edd Vahid in FM24

Edd Vahid has actually never been an assistant manager in his career, but he would make a great one! His short career as a staff member has been spent as head of youth development at Southampton for four years.

His excellent attributes include 17 determination, people management, judging player ability, and judging player potential. These are all really important attributes for an assistant manager to have.

You can make Vahid your assistant manager by offering him a wage of £12k per week.

5. Joao Sacramento

Joao Sacramento in FM24

Sacramento was one of the best assistant manager in FM23, and he’s still one of the top assistant managers in FM24. You can see why he’s got 20 adaptability, because he can also be hired as 5 other roles, including manager, and head performance analyst.

Joao Sacramento in FM24 has a driven personality, and has assistant manager experience at Spurs, Roma, and PSG. He’s only 34 years old, and just like young players, young staff members also have potential too. This means that Sacramento can become an even better assistant manager.

But because he’s only just joined Al-Duhail, he can’t be signed in the first season.

4. Dean Rastrick

Dean Rastrick

Like Edd Vahid, Dean Rastrick has never been an assistant manager either. He has 18 working with youngsters, which means he’s amazing when it comes to working with younger players, especially those that are aged 18 or younger. He has got this high rating by working as a youth coach and also head of youth development at multiple clubs.

The competent assistant manager will accept a contract of £8k per week. This is very affordable for most teams in top divisions across Europe.

3. Carlos Castellanos

Carlos Castellanos

Okay, it’s a bit weird saying that a scout for Real Madrid is one of the best FM24 assistant managers, but he’s got 20 people management, 18 motivating, and very good determination and level of discipline.

He’s a brilliant scout too, which is why Real Madrid have hired him. He doesn’t want to leave Real Madrid at the moment though, but he might in the future, so add him to your staff shortlist if you want to upgrade your staff.

2. Manuel Pires

Manuel Pires in Football Manager 2024

It’s becoming a common theme for staff that are primarily head of youth development to also be top assistant managers. Pires also has experience of being a youth coach, reserves manager, and first team manager.

Manuel Pires’ judging player ability and judging player potential is exceptional, which means he’ll be able to accurately analyse the players in your squad, and their strengths, and weaknesses.

To make Manuel Pires your assistant manager will be quite expensive though. He’ll want £15k per week wages, and £1.2 million in compensation will need to be paid to OGC Nice.

1. Roberto Samadan

Roberto Samadan, the best assistant manager in FM24

Samadan is arguably the best assistant manager in FM24. His mental and knowledge attributes are absolutely insane. Motivating, level of discipline, and determination are 3 of the most important attributes for any staff member to have, and Roberto Samadan has them all in abundance.

He’s a world class head of youth development, and also a world class assistant manager. He has a determined personality which is a great personality for a staff member, or anyone to have in Football Manager.

He’s only recently joined Atalanta, but only has 1 year left on his contract. If he doesn’t sign a new one, you’ll have a good chance of signing him towards the end of the first season.

So Which FM24 Assistant Manager Should You Sign?

For those Football Manager players needing a new assistant manager in season one, then consider appointing Dean Rastrick or Miguel Quaresma. But if you can afford his compensation, Manuel Pires would be an excellent addition to your backroom staff.

Roberto Samadan is a top assistant manager if you’re willing to wait a season though.

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